
falling out

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falling out为短语/超纲词汇
1. The snow is falling in large flakes.

2. Then, almost 400 years ago, an Italian scientist named Galileo began to question Aristotle´s theory of falling objects.
    后来, 大约在四百年前, 一位名叫伽利略的意大利科学家开始怀疑亚里斯多德的落体学说.

3. Thus the rods, by falling, and by the direction in which they fell, recorded for the slumbering scientist the strength of a shock that was too weak to waken him, and the direction from which it came.

4. Then at last the miracle happened for which his unconscious mind had been seeking for so long. Falling into a sleeplike condition, he suddenly felt as though he were sinking in a mighty flood of water, and the rush and roar soon took musical shape wi

5. To reduce these seniors' risk of falling, Tinetti used multiple methods, including having an exercise teacher go to a person's home and teach balance exercises.

6. As by falling into inaccessible caves, or into an ice crevasse,

7. A cold drizzle was falling.

8. At high speeds, falling cats have time to relax.

9. Americans believe no one stands still. If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind.

10. Although many people assume that balance and movement problems are inevitable with age, an increasing body of evidence demonstrates that exercise can help improve balance and strength in elderly individuals and reduce their chance of falling.
